- Guarantee you never miss a lead again due to site crashes.
- Indulge in peace of mind knowing customers can reach your firm 24/7 and with ease.
- Supervise your desktop and mobile websites at any moment thanks to historical captures.
- Ensure all changes made by your website or SEO vendor are timely and hassle-free.
- Stay in the loop on your entire firm’s digital marketing and/or the urgent areas that concern you.
Analytics Made Easy
Website analytics data should be helpful, not headache-inducing. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get lost in Google’s dashboards as you sift through seemingly endless data on how users are navigating to, through, and off your site. (There’s a reason why Google offers specific training and certifications for using its tools!)
At LawEval, we pull out only the data you need to know in a streamlined, customizable dashboard.
Our Analytics Module also integrates data from all your online campaigns, such as PPC campaigns, into one dashboard for easy tracking.

See Where You Stand

Explore real-time traffic and visitor data from Google Analytics 4 and many other data providers through a user-friendly, all-in-one, streamlined dashboard.

Simplified data viewing of all your firm’s channels in a single space.

Check your ranking insights with trusted platforms like Semrush and Ahrefs, as well as others.

Handy monthly reports that are both easy to understand and tailored to the data you’d like to see to support your strategic goals.

Direct access to all your PPC and campaign ad spend from Google Ads, Social Media Ads, Audio Ads, and more.

Data from 75+ different marketing channels including AdRoll, BrightLocal, Constant Contact, Facebook, Facebook Ads, GatherUp, Google Business Profile, Google Search Console, Google Sheets, Twitter, YouTube…

Why Choose LawEval?
LawEval: Get Started Today
In order to succeed in today’s competitive world, everything related to your online presence must be thoroughly strategized and optimized to the best of its potential. LawEval was born to serve these needs and help your firm exceed its lead expectations as the only web monitoring platform designed specifically for law firms on the market.
To learn more about how LawEval can prevent lead loss and online headaches, get in touch with us.
PS: Want an instant audit on your site… for free? We’ve got you covered.
Get your Free Audit Today